Friday, April 24, 2015

Zoo Trip

I went to the Fort Worth Zoo with Sruthi with the intention that it would be easy to find people laughing. To our surprise, it was hard to find people laughing and even harder to get it on camera. We ended up feeling really creep and laughing at ourselves more than the people around us were laughing. Honestly Sruthi and I laughed more than anyone around us. We came to the conclusion that we have exceptional senses of humor and we are extraordinarily funny. Here are the videos I was able to capture.

In the great primate facility we found a baby monkey of some kind. All of the children really liked the baby. They were laughing as the baby played on a rope. The monkey was cute and I thought the children commenting on the monkey were funny. 

We were in the great primate facility. As we walked up the the gorillas (I think) we noticed all of the people around the display laughing and taking pictures. One of the animals were bent over doing something on the ground with its hands. It was a view of the animals you usually do not get and everyone was a little surprised by what was going on. The children were all asking what was going on and the adults around laughed even more at their questions.

 These two little girls had obviously had a red lollipop or something along those lines. They were quite proud of their red tongs and their mothers were taking their pictures. I didn't get the mothers laughing in the video, but they were. The girls were also laughing. Sruthi and I caught their laughter. It was funny that they were so proud that they were even showing strangers their tongues. 

Turns out that laughter is contagious. At least it is contagious to me. It was a fun and challenging experience to try to find examples of laughing. 

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