Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Conversation Partner #4

For our fourth meeting, Lupe and I met in the commons because it was a nice day. We sat on a blanket in the grass and watched the people around us. Once we finished the "Hi! How are you doin?" over with we began to discuss the people around us. We found that we both like to people watch and we were pretty good at it. We watched couples walk by holding hands. Mostly we saw people walking while fiddling with their phones.
After a while, we made a game where we tried to gues what people were talking about. Lupe would be one person and I would be the other. We would perform voice overs for the conversations we saw but could not hear. For the most part we made fun of people and made their conversations more interesting than they probably were. Here is an example of a couple's conversation we voiced over:
Me (The guy): Oh hey girl! Feel my sweater.
Lupe (The girl): Why?
Me: Know what its made of
Lupe: No..
Me: Boyfriend material.
Lupe: Wow... Um... okay

So, pretty much we made our own fun just watching people and pretending they were having funny conversations. There were times when Lupe didn't understand my humor and vise versa. Once we explained the joke to eachother, we began to understand eachother's humor more.

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