Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Conversation Partner #5

As usual Lupe and I met in the cafe of the BLUU. We asked eachother about the past week and complained about school as we always do. Then, for some reason, we found little to talk about. I decided to try something new. I am addicted to this app called Triva Crack. It is a trivia game you play against friends on a mobile device. Usually I am not a competitvie person (okay, sometimes I am), but with Trivia Crack I can get really into the game. Sometimes I get a little upset when I get a question wrong or someone beats me in a battle. I am also pretty good at trivia and have a winning record. Turns out Lupe is good at trivia as well. Sometimes I had to explain a word or two to her, but overall she is almost as good as I am.

We played for about 20 minutes. At the end of the game we were tied and we battled for the win. Lupe won! Even though I am competative, I am not a sore looser. Lupe desereved to win and she was quite gracious about her victory. It was fun to play a game instead of talking the entire time. We have continued to play Trvia Crack while apart and Lupe has won almost every time (maybe she is cheating...).

1 comment:

  1. I love Trivia Crack! That is actually a really good idea to help continue conversation with our partners with a game. It is also probably beneficial to them because it will help them learn new words and facts about our country. I am probably going to try this with my conversation partner next time I see her. Good idea Maddie! Thanks!
