Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A rOAR of Laugher

When our Lit and Civ class went ont he canoe/kayak trip I knew I wanted to kayak. Sruthi, Hannah, and I all got kyaks and we quickly pulled ahead of the rest of the pack (Sruthi in the lead obviously). We often had to wait for the slackers in the canoes to catch up, so to pass the time the three of us decided to serenade the nature around us. As we drifted down the Trinity River, we sang our favorite songs (well, my favorite songs); Disney songs! I know most of the words to most Disney songs, especially from The Little Mermaid and Hercules. The other two were not as fluent in the magical words of Disney as I am. They would start off strong with me and maybe carry through the first chorus, but from there I would take over. At the point when Sruthi and Hannah no longer knew the words, they would then become the instrumental part of the songs. Sruthi is especially good at the instrumentals. We thought our chorus line was hilarious. Whenever one of us did especially well (or not so well), we would break song and laugh for a while. The other two thought it was humorous when I was the only left singing because I was the only one who knew the words.

The song that got us to laugh the most was one from Pocahontas called "Just Around the Riverbend". This song obviously pertained to the activity we were performing and made it feel like we were in the movie with Pocahontas when we sang it. It was funny to us, I believe, because we were sharing the experience of being silly. Most people do not sing while paddling down a river. Surely, the pedestrians on the sidewalk above the river could hear our melodies and that made it even funnier. We didn't care what people thought and it was so much fun! At one point I told the others that they were making one of my lifelong dreams come true; to sing disney songs while floating down a river. They thought it was funny that I would have such a dream and also that were were actually living it out.

I believe in times of true bonding like the one I experienced on the river with Sruthi and Hannah cause you to let go and release laughs. It is a way of showing happiness and playfulness. I can't name many other people who would be game for singing disney songs with me, let alone listen to me sing disney songs. Singing alone wouldn't have been near as fun.

1 comment:

  1. First, I love puns so I highly appreciate your title. Second, I love that y'all made the canoe trip an adventure of your own. I was laughing out loud imagining y'all canoeing down the Trinity River singing Disney songs. That is something I would totally do with my friends. The situation did seem quite incongruous, with three girls floating down a river singing acapella. However, that is what made it so funny. I wish I could have been there to witness the performance. I also think that these kind of adventures help people become closer to each other. Fun activities are a unique way to bond and socialize. Personally, I hope I will have the chance to float the Trinity River next week, so I can try out my own Disney karaoke skills. Thanks so much for sharing your fun afternoon! It seemed like a blast.
