Friday, April 24, 2015

Conversation Partner #6

Today I went to the Intensive English Program's Social. I didn't know what to expect and all I had hoped for was that there would be food. I found myself in a loud and packed room. I decided the best way to find Lupe was to just yell out her name. Thankfully she responded and we quickly found our way into the food line. There were all kinds of deserts to taste (my favorite were the Dates). Then we sat down to eat and began talking. She told me that she all of the Intensive English students got to have this social instead of having grammar class. Lupe was excited about this because grammar is her least favorite subject. 

After we ate, we noticed a group of students gathering in a circle. We decided to join them and learned they were about to start a game of "Spoons". Spoons is like musical chairs except you use spoons instead of chairs and cards instead of music. The goal of the game is to not be the person who doesn't get the spoon. The first person to pick up a spoon must have 4 cards of the same kind (four 4's or four queens). This game can become intense as one might imagine. Lupe and I sat next to us while we played and decided to play secretly as a team. Whoever grabbed a spoon would grab two spoons so that neither of us would be kicked out of the game. This strategy worked for a while, but once the pool of spoons became smaller it became harder to grab two spoons. On the second to last game, Lupe and I grabbed the same spoon. Our tug-of-war lasted about three seconds until I let go so that Lupe could continue to play. 

The social was more fun than I expected and I enjoyed seeing all of the Intensive English program. I am going to miss Lupe. The experience of having a conversation partner has been not only educational, but also fun. Having made a new friend, I plan to pursue more experiences like this. 


  1. I did not get to go to the Intensive English Program social but it sounds like it was a great experience to get to meet other students in the program as well as spend time with your partner. I am going to miss my partner as well! It is so funny that at the beginning of the semester we were all worried about meeting our partners and now many of us have formed great friendships with them. I'm glad you are having such a great experience!

  2. Madeline,

    I also attended the IEP social and had a great time with my conversation partner, Maram! I thought the social was fun because we got to hangout with our partners with other students as well! I enjoyed getting to play games with Mariam, but neither she nor I are very competitive. It sounds like you and Lupe both have quite the competitive spirit, though. I think it's so sweet that you let him win! I'm glad you have enjoyed getting to know him. -Mary Grekstas
