Friday, April 24, 2015

Negative Humor

I follow an account on Instagram that posts (what I think are funny) photos. They usually have pictures with a  funny caption. Some of these pictures would be considered negative humor. Here are a few I found that were negative.

I think the second picture is the worst of all. These are negative humor because they either make fun of someone one at their expense or they stereotype people. The first picture stereotypes white people who get tattoos of random Asian symbols. The second picture makes fun of obese people. The third picture makes fun of red-necks. The fourth picture makes fun of Richard Branson and ugly dogs. I think these are funny despite their negative connotations. I don't think we can necessarily help what we find funny. Most of the posts from this account are not negative like these. These types of jokes come up in our every day lives and mold what we all find funny. 


  1. I think these instagram pictures are funny too...and I agree with you about not being able to control what we think is funny. I think it might be a product of how you were raised. These pictures also make me think of the "comedy is truth and pain". I think that is how it goes...anyway, jokes that contain truth are always what I find funny. I hope I'm not a bad person!

  2. I agree with y'all when you say that what we find amusing is a product of our generation. Looking at the first image, I think of how memes have changed and influenced our humor. Now, we can randomly take or find a picture (that may or may not be funny on its own) and associate certain stereotypes or jokes with it by adding words on the image. To me, it is sad that people can take an innocent photo and turn it into something for others to laugh at. We are inadvertently poking fun at strangers and putting them down for our own benefit. It makes me think of one of the famous memes of a man (Laser Cat Yearbook Meme) who eventually committed suicide. With access to the Internet at our fingertips, it is up to us to think before we post something that has the potential to be harmful.
