Sunday, March 22, 2015

Conversation Partner Meeting #2

For my second meeting with Lupe, we met at the cafe in the BLUU. We sat side by side on the couch and greeted each other. She asked me how my week was going, and I answered that it was stressful as normal. When I asked her how her week was, she told me about all of the assignments and tests that week. I believe it was midterms or finals week for her. She seemed quite discontent about her studies so I asked her if she liked studying English. She told me that she actually hates studying english. She especially dislikes writing and this week she had to write a big paper.
Lupe speaks English like she has been speaking for a while. I was surprised that she didn't like learning english as much as she expressed. I asked Lupe what she would rather be studying and she told me that she really likes graphic design. She also told me that back home in Venezuela her family owns some sort of printing company and she used to design adds for businesses. As part of the Intensive English Program the students attend a regular class at TCU of their choosing to practice taking notes in. Lupe really wanted to take a class in graphic design, but sadly the professor denied her request.
I can understand why Lupe doesn't like studying English and only English. I often complain about my studies, but at least I have some variety in my coursework. I know Lupe plans to stay in the US and make a life for herself here. She also understands how important English literacy is in this country. I really hope Lupe can find something she loves to do so that she can be content while she finishes her studies.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that Lupe doesn't like english, my conversation partner didn't have the best response about the english language either. My partner is from China and explained to me that english sounds like "Blah blah blah." He also thinks americans should sound like people from England because their accent appears more intelligent. One other funny concept that my partner mentioned was the grammar, he thinks it is absolutely pointless that there is a difference with "a, an, and the"… I guess it is pretty random.
    That makes me pretty sad that Lupe doesn't get to take a class that she is passionate about. She should at least be able to take one graphic design class. However, I do agree that english is extremely important to know if she plans to live here in the future.
