Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Conversation Partner #1

So, it has been a while since I met my conversation partner, Lupe, for the first time. Lupe is a 19 year old student from Venezuela. She came to the US previously to visit her brother here in Fort Worth and decided she wanted to make a life of herself here. First, she would need to learn English and that is why she joined the Intensive English Program at TCU.
Upon first sight I noticed Lupe was quite shy as she sheepishly walked towards me. I, on the other hand, am quite outgoing. Our differences in personality made our first meeting a little rocky. Some (many) people can find me a little overbearing, but I have learned to accept who I am and refuse to change. Lupe frequently remarked that she did not know what to say and that it was weird that we were talking to each other being complete strangers.
I learned that Lupe actually hates learning English. She sits in class for the majority of the day focusing on one subject. I wouldn't like that kind of education much either. We talked a while about her brother, his wife, and his kids who she lives with. Then, I told her about my family. When the time was up I was surprised when she hugged me. I didn't think she would be a hugger after all the shyness she had displayed. Regardless, I welcomed the warm embrace and hugged her back. I believe there are many more hugs to come in Lupe and I's relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. The first meeting is always the hardest. I hope there will be more hugs in your conversations.
