Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vandalism and I

I'm from a small town in northeast Nebraska called Norfolk. There aren't many (legal) things to do in Norfolk. Luckily I had friends like Cat, Polly, and Paige to help me through my adolescence. We met each other on the cross country team and became so close we named our group the T-Birds (I still do not know why.. i think it means Thunderbird). Anyways, the T-Birds made their own fun from midnight bike rides to "The Cinnamon Challenge" to vandalism. Yes, I am a vandalist. Spray paint was our weapon of choice; trains and concrete walls were our victims. The first time we went out to a night of tagging all of us were nervous. What we were doing was illegal, and the first time you really break the law it is nerve racking -- it gets easier from then on ;). So Paige is the skittish type and the entire time she was looking around, hearing things, and asking if we were done yet. Her reaction to breaking the law was comical at that point. Then we start to walk back to our car on a gravel road and she is trying to sweep away our foot prints. She also told us we couldn't leave the paint can because the cops were going to take our prints off of it. The entire ride home (and the next week of cross country practice) Cat, Polly, and I gave Paige the most grief you could imagine. I can't remember what we said exactly, but I remember tears of laughter being involved (you had to be there). I miss those days and those girls. I will forever be a T-Bird.